IGS Ingenieros SL (also named as Luxury Tenerife Hotels, IGS or the company)
NIF: B38088746
Address: Calle Costa y Grijalba 33, 38004 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Telephone: +34 922 534 420
Email: info@luxurytenerifehotels.com
2.1. Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users. The risks arising from their use are responsibility of the user, exclusively.
2.2. The information contained in this website is offered for the convenience of users. This information may contain inaccuracies, errors, omissions and / or mistakes, so that the owner does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy and / or safety of the contents.
2.3. The information contained on the website is current at the date of the last update. The owner reserves the right to make, at any time, changes, updates and / or deletions as may be necessary.
2.4. The website owner is not responsible for any damage that may result from interference, interruptions, computer viruses and / or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, neither of which can be caused by third parties through illegal interference in the system.
2.5. The user undertakes to use the website and the services available to them according to law, morals and good customs, refraining from using it for illicit purposes contrary to the provisions of these rules, or in any manner that may harm third or impede the normal use by other users.
2.6. The services are collected and provided through the Web are designed for adults so that users who take service through this website should be legally of age. No request or collect any information on children.
2.7. The owner is not responsible for the contents, products and / or services that may be obtained through advertising or links to third party websites (links) through this website. The presence of links is for informational purposes only and does not imply any relationship between the owner and the owners of web pages that can be accessed through these links.
2.8. The content of this website is intended for personal use, so you may not copy, reproduce, distribute, communicate, publish, transfer, process, sell or use the content of this website for public or commercial purposes.
2.9. The holder may withdraw or suspend at any time without prior notice provision of services to users who have infringed the provisions of this document, or incurred in violation of the law, morality or public order. The exclusion of the user does not constitute a waiver of any legal action relevant to accountability.
The owner reserves the right to exclude temporarily or permanently the users of this website are given if any of the following circumstances:
• Failure of any of the General Conditions set out in this document.
• Failure to comply with the law, morality and public order.
In any case, the user exclusion constitute a waiver to perform the legal actions, and possible indemnity payments.
For the purposes of Article 27 of the LSSICE, the contractual process conducted by www.greengardenresort.com must be done through the following steps:
• First Choice Hotel, offer, package or other hotel services on the home page via the search parameters, and the dates of stay.
• Second: Choosing the type of room, number of them, and number of people.
• Third: selection of supplements and additional services shows the final price. Insert both of personal data relating to the reserve, as well as the bank card used to guarantee the reservation and acceptance of general conditions of booking.
• Fourth: Formalizing the booking confirmation page sample.
• Fifth: Sending email booking confirmation with details of the same.
Upon reservation will generate an electronic document subsequently incorporated into its holder files. The user will always have full access to and knowledge of it by sending an email with the content at the end of the booking process.
Once you have completed the booking, the customer is requested to review the content of it so you can identify possible errors in data entry, in case of correction needed, the user can call the central reservations phone (+34) 922 788 482 or send an email to green@luxurytenerifehotels.com providing identifying details of the reservation.
5.1. In reservation service "on line" guarantees the security and confidentiality of transactions.
5.2. The transactional service connection is made through a secure server. This is the standard technology in Internet security, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), which uses an encryption system to provide maximum confidentiality of data that it transmitted. The information is transmitted encrypted to ensure that it is intelligible only to the client computer and the server of the website owner.
5.3. Verification that the connection is made through a secure server can be checked by any of the following systems:
- Using the address (www.greengardenresort.com) of the server, since a secure server begins with https.
- Through an indication on your browser that displays a whole key to a closed padlock on the bottom of the screen.
Following the entry into the main site and in the linked pages may incorporate cookies to your computer. If the users are not interested in it, must set your browser to prevent the incorporation of cookies on your computer.
7. - LAW
The relationship between the owner of the website and users shall be governed by Spanish law
Shall have jurisdiction in any dispute between the parties the courts of Tenerife (Spain), expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may app